Saturday, 21 July 2012

Thanks to my followers!

~Hi! ~

I just wanted to say thanks to my followers!
I have 3 main blogs (well 4-5 if I count tumblr , am I a blog addict? ^^ xD) and
 I really appreciate everyone that follows (and just visits :D~) any of my blogs! :D~
I mean I don't have a ton of followers between them, but I can still say thanks to them right?
I know I am not the greatest blogger, but I hope I post some things that are a little interesting at times huh? ;)~

Tumblr: MayonakaSun

Yeah, as always with me, I'll be posting this on my other blogs too xD~

Thursday, 12 April 2012

Inactiveness....well as usual haha ;P

Hi, wow do I exist here? Hmm at the moment nope....

Anyway, no matter how much I really do want to post now, I unfortunately can't (Hey ignore that Im posting now, its 'cause internet access is a lot easier than actually posting pictures and things haha)
Well instead of me repeating my situation a billion times over, all I'll do is re-direct you to my deviantart journal, in which it explains my 'absense' boooo. So go ahead pop on over to my dA journal and take read of my excuse hah -> MayonakaSun's Journal :)

And if any of you pay any attention to my other blogs, yes I have posted this on them too :D