Saturday, 5 November 2011


Remember, remember the 5th of November.
Gunpower, treason and plot.
I see no reason, why Gunpower, treason.
Should ever be forgot......

Aww so obviously you can tell that today is bonfire night or guy fawke night, or....firework night. Whatever you want to call it, today is still a time full of colourful, noisy and flashy fireworks!
So for this post in my art inspiration blog, I will show you some photos of fireworks I took.... 
 How could you not be inspired by them? Look at the colour, the shapes they make....the sounds, booms and the smell they make. They are so pretty! hehe~
Anyway, I hope they inspire you in same way. If they did please post a comment below and tell me how or if possible a link to your art piece? :)~

Anyway that is for this post, these images will appear in my other fashion blog as well at:- as well~
Thank you for reading! 

Please note, all of these rules apply to the contents of my entire blog, please read carefully!All of my drawings/paintings/ digital/ art pieces belong to me (MayonakaSun) and have been made by me alone unless otherwise stated in my posts.All text/writing/reviews are written by me (MayonakaSun) and written by myself (MayonakaSun) alone again unless otherwise stated in my posts.You Do Not have permission to copy, repost, reproduce, print, paste or sell ANY of my art work and/or text/ writing that I have posted though out my blog and/or on my deviantART page.The only places I will ever post any of my art work and text is DeviantART and my blog, so if my art work and/or text shows up anywhere else on the Internet or elsewhere you do not have the right to have put it there and I will not have give permission for it to be there, and I will insist you take it down immediately!Update:My artwork will now also be seen on my tumblr as well as the sites mentioned above. Same rules apply to my tumblr as the rest.Update2:My artwork will now also be featured in my Youtube videos as well as the sites mentioned above. Same rules apply to my Youtube account as the rest.
My/Me/ I /myself= MayonakaSun :- The owner of this blog and other sites mentioned above.

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