Thursday, 21 July 2011

New blog, new theme, hard start!

So this is my new blog! (other blog can be viewed here)
As the title suggests....getting started with anything new is the hardest part, which is something I find with art too....which is what this blog is designed for!
To have things that will hopefully give inspiration to my fellow artists.
Whether you focus on drawings, paintings, textiles, clothing/fashion, traditional art, digital art, toys, games, figurines or literature anything and everything, I hope to give you the inspiration you need to either get out of the troublesome art block or just to get those 'creative juices' flowing so you can create works of art!

I will be taking what can be considered normal things I/we do, or what I have seen/done such as 'what I wore that day','something interesting I saw another day' an event, other artists, a story anything and everything that sparks an interest to me, I'm sure will shark an interest to other artists.
With that, I will be writing about it all here on my art inspiration blog. I will be posting photos, posting music, images anything I know will capture artists imaginations so they can create the works of art we love to see!

My art inspiration blog, will not be like a daily/weekly journal or diary of my life story, it will be focused on gaining inspiration and letting others gain inspiration from it (hopefully ^^;)~

So please, be patient as I gather inspirations for my first official post, which I hope will be soon! :)~

Please tell me anything you find inspiring as an artist or designers in the comment section below.
I'd love to hear from you and then I can try and focus a post or two on what you've said :)~

Thank you for reading.
Please do subscribe or follow me using the links on the side bar so you can keep up to date with my latest art inspirations~

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